
Ancient Beauty Secrets: Dead Sea Cosmetics by Air


More and more often the consumers refuse from beauty products with not clear contents, chemicals, and give their preference to natural, clear, healthy components and environmentally friendly goods. Natural beauty products brand grow rapidly. Israel is considered one of the largest manufacutrers of natural and universal beauty products, producing all types of the good.s

Israel has variety of herbs growing between the Mediterranean on the West and desert in the East. Dead Sea is full of unique minerals, salts and black mud known all over the world for its healing properties. Unique resources have healing and therapeutic effects ensuring growth of cosmetics industry.

This industry spreads healing properties of Dead Sea and local herbs across the Globe. Often such products are called Dead Sea cosmetics. Israeli’s beauty industry successfully implements over 8,000 years experience in using natural components such as olive oil and mineral salts.

For instance Dead Sea salts and muds calm irritated skin and are used to treat psoriasis, acne, dandruff and dry itching skin. All types of skin benefit from its soothing and conditioning effect.

The country invests in scientific research and innovation in beauty industry, and specialists work in moderns laboratories apply advanced technology ensuring quality of each product. High quality requirements include hypoallergenic, safety, and high content of active components and efficiency for each beauty product.

In the end of November Delivery World shipped lot of dead sea products from Israel. Quite perishable goods are preserved only with exceptional compliance with shipping instruction, where any lightest negligence can lead to loss of the overall cargo. Years of experience and perfectly set processes allow Delivery World to guarantee safe delivery of any type of cargos.

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