
Chemistry and Life: Visiting ChemSpec-2013 exhibition in Munich


In early June, the delegation of Delivery World has visited one of the largest event in the field of chemical industry and science - ChemSpec-2013, which was held from 5 to 7 June 2013 in Munich. The exhibition included the following sections: natural raw materials and chemical ingredients, biotechnology, paints and pigments, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, etc. According to the organizers, the exhibition was attended by about 350 exhibitors. Among the visitors were representatives of our company, who visited capital of Bavaria searching for new clients and negotiating with the existing once.

For 10 years, Delivery World has been working as a contractor for the air freight forwarding with the chemical industry companies, manufacturers of medical and pharmaceutical products, as well as the research sector. We transport different types of cargo, including dangerous goods by the IATA classification for carriage. Our solution for delivery of goods of the chemical industry, medicine and pharmacy was taken positively by the participants of ChemSpec-2013. After the first day of our visit to the exhibition, we have signed the contract for the transportation of chemical ingredients for the production of molds. In the near future it is expected to sign more contracts.

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