
Dallas 2013: Electronic prospects of air freight forwarding industry on TIACA Executive Summit


Delivery World has always paid special attention to the events of air freight forwarding  industry, which is our key specialization in logistics. We are closely watching the trends of the industry, its prospects and challenges, which the situation on international markets dictates. Thus, in the period from April 16 to 18, our delegation visited one of the leading forums on the subject - TIACA Executive Summit & Annual General Meeting, which was held this year in Dallas (Texas, USA). The event was hosted by the international airport of Dallas Fort Worth.

The air cargo industry faces massive challenges connected primarily with the revolutionary development of e-commerce and the shift of trade flows. The main objective of all stakeholders - airlines, cargo carriers, airports and customs - to use e-commerce capabilities to regulate and increase freight traffic. This, in particular, said Ken Buchanan, executive vice president airoirt of Dallas Fort Worth; Glen Hughes, director of cargo management IATA; Enno Osinga, senior vice president of international freight Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, etc. The three-day summit program was very intense and informative, our company representatives held several positive top-level meetings  with the management of key international airlines and airports.

We have informed you earlier about visiting the ACF-2012 and the International Congress of FIATA, where were presented a global view of the air cargo industry.

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