
Healthy Warmth: Women Woolen Wear by Airfreight from Seoul


In all times wool was valued for its unique properties. Goods made of natural wool keep one warm allowing skin to breath, and layered structure of threads allows this material to remain clean for long time. Wool cut of alive and healthy sheep contains lanoline that is natural antiseptic with antibacterial properties, and is able to protect surface from microbodies. Lanoline is activated at 35-37oC, and easily penetrates through skin with positive exposure to muscles, joints, spine, respiratory system, normalizes blood flow and helps to remove pain caused by rheumatism, arthrosis and osteochondrosis and others, helping to cure these diseases.

Today health is considered the healthiest, the most health-safe material with the perfect thermostatic properties. Its structure allows skin to breath in addition to its healing properties.

For long time people cured tooth pain and head aches, low back pain placing natural not died wool to source of pain. Woolen thread tied on wrist or ankle allowed to cure pain in joint. Even premature children were placed in wool. All of this because not chemically processed wool cut from live animal is covered with animal wax, lanoline, that consists up to 10 per cent of wool weight. This valuable substance is specifically developed to be used as basics for cosmetic creams and ointments.

Right before real winter frosts Delivery World shipped lot of women woolen wear from Seoul . Warm cloth made of natural high quality materials surely will make n fashionistas fall in love.

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